Along with taking medicine or insulin to reduce the blood sugar level, taking some home remedies will always keep diabetes under control. Sometimes some indigenous herbs and leaves work better than medicines in regulating insulin in the blood. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that controls the glucose in the blood. Some people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes find it extremely difficult to manage insulin in the blood to control their blood sugar levels. In such a situation, these native herbs or leaves work as an alternative medicine, that too without any harm. Today we will tell you about one such leaf which is anti-diabetic.

Know the wonders of the four fig leaves
According to Nate Haus, author of Nature's Cure, fig leaves are very effective in treating diabetes and help regulate blood sugar levels. Boil four fig leaves in water and drink it as tea or chew it raw. Nutt says that the extracts of fig leave rapidly increase the low insulin in the blood. Taking extract of these leaves every day will bring sugar to normal range.

Take this extract with breakfast
Diabetic patients should take fig leaf extract with breakfast or before breakfast. By doing this, the dose of diabetes medicine or insulin will be reduced gradually. Fig fruit is also a good source of potassium, a nutrient that helps regulate blood pressure.

These things kept in the kitchen will fill the insulin in the blood, the sugar level will start going down
The taste of fig leaves can be bitter, so some nutritionists recommend eating dried fig leaves in powder form as well. A study published in a 1998 issue of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice reported that adding fig leaves to the diet of insulin-dependent diabetics helped control post-meal high blood sugar.