The problem of gas and acidity is common, although sometimes this condition becomes serious. Stomach-related problems can occur due to a poor lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. Many times people resort to medicines to get relief from acidity or gas problems. However, medicines should not be used to treat stomach-related diseases for a long time.

Excessive consumption of pungent, spicy food and excessively sweet foods can increase the complaints of gas and acidity. Smoking, tea, and coffee aggravate this problem. You can get rid of this problem by making some simple yogasanas a part of your daily routine. Stomach-related ailments like indigestion, gas, or acidity can be treated through meditation and yoga. Yoga keeps the digestive system healthy and acidity and gas can be reduced.

Vajrasana is effective for digesting food and reducing the chances of gas and acidity. Vajrasana yoga helps to overcome digestive problems. Vajrasana yoga can be done to cure constipation, acidity, piles, intestinal gas, etc.

To do Vajrasana, keep the fingers of both feet together and keep the heels apart while sitting on the knees. Keeping the head and back straight, join the knees together. Close your eyes, breathe normally, and sit for at least 10 minutes.

Balasan can be done to overcome the problem of acidity. With this asana, the internal organs of the abdomen are well-massaged.

To do this yoga, sit in the posture of Vajrasana keeping the spine straight. While breathing, raise both hands. Keeping both hands straight while exhaling, rest the forehead on the ground. After this, bend the upper part of the waist forward and remain in this posture for 30 seconds. Then come back to the Vajrasana posture.

To overcome the problem of acidity and gas, you can practice Halasana. Halasana is effective for constipation, indigestion, and other digestive problems. To do this asana, lie down on your back and keep your palms on the ground. While inhaling, raise your legs and make an angle of 90 degrees. While exhaling slowly, try to touch the toes of the feet to the ground. Remove the hands from the waist and keep them straight on the ground. Breathe normally while in this pose and come back to the normal position.

(PC: Freepik)