Your stomach can easily tell how healthy you are. The stomach helps in increasing digestion and absorption of nutrients and keeping the body healthy and fit. The effect of any kind of problem in the abdominal organs can affect overall health. Stomach problems can cause flatulence, constipation, and indigestion. Although in general these problems can be cured by taking some medicines. But if you often have to face stomach problems, then regular yoga practice can be beneficial.

Studies show that yoga is beneficial for reducing the symptoms of many serious health problems and for recovery. Practicing yoga asanas helps in improving the abdominal organs, massage, maintaining better digestive health, and reducing the risk of indigestion and constipation. In the next slides, know which asanas can be beneficial for curing stomach-related problems.

Marjari seat
The practice of Marjari Asana is effective for many types of abdominal problems, massage of abdominal organs, and problems like constipation. This asana is also called the Cat-Cow pose. This yoga is also beneficial in keeping the intestines healthy and getting rid of the complaint of flatulence. To get rid of the problems of the stomach, back, and spine, one should also do Margari asana.

Bridge pose exercise
Setubandhasana is called bridge pose. Along with back and waist problems, this asana helps in improving stomach health and digestion. With the practice of this asana, one can get rid of the problem of waist and back pain. To do this asana, lying on the back, and bending the knees, the stomach is taken upwards in the air. This position massages many abdominal organs and can reduce serious digestive problems.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana
The practice of Pawanmuktasana yoga helps reduce the problem of excess gas in the stomach. Regular practice of this yoga strengthens the abdominal muscles and reduces belly fat. Often there is a problem with digestion or constipation, then the practice of this yoga is beneficial. Pawanmuktasana can also be practiced to strengthen the back and increase blood circulation in the joints.

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