Yoga is very beneficial for health. Regular practice of yoga should be done to maintain mental and physical health. Yoga practice is beneficial for people of all ages. Yoga provides relief from any kind of disease. Understanding the importance of yoga, people have started practicing yoga by watching YouTube or online videos these days. But if you are going to do yoga for the first time, then there is a need to keep some things in mind. Due to some basic mistakes while practicing yoga, the effect of yoga can be reversed. Some small mistakes should be avoided while doing yoga. Therefore, take special care of these things while doing yoga for the first time.

Take care of breathing
Breathing plays an important role in yoga. If people doing yoga for the first time are doing yoga without the guidance of an instructor, then they should keep in mind that never breathe through the mouth while doing asanas. One should also know when to inhale and when to exhale in the asana.

Do yoga on an empty stomach
If you are going to do yoga for the first time, then you should know that yoga is done on an empty stomach. Do not do yoga after having breakfast or lunch. If you do not get time to do yoga in the morning, then keep in mind that whenever you do yoga, you should not have eaten anything for at least 3 hours before that. Also, do not eat food immediately after doing yoga. Rather, give some rest to the body and then eat.

Clothes for yoga
While doing yoga, you should wear comfortable clothes. There is a fear of clothes tearing during stretching and cramping of the muscles of the body due to wearing tight clothes. At the same time, due to tight clothes, you are not able to concentrate on yoga with concentration.

Warm-ups should be done before doing yoga or a workout. If you are doing yoga for the first time, then you should know that you do not have to sit directly on the mat and take the posture of the asana, but first, warm up to activate the body.

Do not do difficult and wrong yoga
If you are going to do yoga for the first time, then start with simple and basic yoga asanas. Do not do difficult yoga asanas, this can also put you at risk of injury. Also, know properly what is the right posture for any yoga practice. Do not sit in the wrong posture.