After the Corona epidemic, heart-related diseases have emerged rapidly all over the world. According to the data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 18.6 million people died worldwide due to heart disease in 2020, which is 32% of all deaths and this figure is scary.

Here in India, the number of people dying from sudden heart attacks has also increased rapidly in the last two years. Especially young children and most of the youth have become victims of heart-related diseases and it has been seen that they have even died. Under the common belief in India, heart-related diseases are seen as limited only to heart attack or cardiac arrest, but heart-related diseases are not only the stopping of heart rhythm but many other problems are directly related to the heart. It happens due to health.

In such diseases, the patient feels the symptoms but does not realize that he has a heart disease and by the time the patient reaches for treatment, the heart can get badly damaged. Heart disease is not only a disease of lifestyle but also related to other aspects.

However, let us know which are those heart-related diseases we generally do not pay attention and we associate only with cholesterol and lifestyle. Let us know about some such heart diseases.

The disease of cholesterol accumulation in arteries
This is called Coronary Artery Disease i.e. CAD. This disease occurs due to things containing oil, cholesterol, wrong eating habits, and a bad lifestyle. This disease occurs due to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arteries, called coronary arteries, which work to pump blood properly when the heart beats. This is generally the cause of a heart attack.

Heart failure or heart failure
In simple words, it is called Heart Failure. Heart failure is a disease in which the pump function of the heart gradually weakens and later stops due to which the blood flow to the essential parts of the body gets disrupted, which can lead to the death of the person.

Hypertension is also called high blood pressure, due to which the functioning of the heart is affected. This becomes dangerous because it damages the coronary arteries and weakens the joints of the heart, which causes damage to the heart and sometimes leads to the death of the person.

Apart from this, Rhaziopathy is a disease in which the heartbeat rate can become irregular. To put it in other words, the heart does not beat that many times in a certain period, which is called normal. This disease is serious and causes many other problems.

Core Palpitations
In this heart disease, the heartbeat becomes extremely fast or abnormal. Many times the patient feels that his heart has stopped. This disease is often associated with other diseases.

This heart disease is related to valves. There are two valves in the heart, if one of them gets damaged or does not function properly then this disease occurs. In this disease, the heartbeat does not work properly.

Core Palpitations (Cardiomyopathy)
In core palpitation the heart muscles become weak. In this, the pumping capacity of the heart decreases, which increases the risk of heart failure.

Also called angina pectoris. In this disease, the heart has difficulty delivering blood to the body parts, which usually indicates that the heart is not getting a sufficient amount of oxygen. Symptoms of angina include pain, pressure, or discomfort in the chest.

(PC: Freepik)