Usually, sweating is also considered a sign of being healthy. You must have seen many such people around you, who start sweating profusely on their faces, back, and armpits even in slight heat. If this sweating comes after taking a gold bath, increasing heat, or exercising more, it is also a normal thing. But sometimes apart from these conditions, there can be a problem of excessive sweating. Learn about the causes and treatment of which disease is excessive sweating.

Sweat also comes in the air conditioner:
The condition of excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis in medical terms. Under normal conditions, sweat comes out through the sweat glands to balance the body temperature according to the external temperature. When the temperature becomes balanced, sweating also stops. But this does not happen with people suffering from hyperhidrosis. His sweat glands keep on sweating without any reason. Even while sitting in the air conditioner. At the same time, in some cases, sweating can occur even while staying in the swimming pool.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis:
A type of hyperhidrosis that primarily affects the hands, feet, armpits, or face is called primary hyperhidrosis. While the condition of sweating coming in the whole body or a large part of the body is called secondary hyperhidrosis. That is, according to different types, different symptoms can appear.

cause of excessive sweating
If statistics are to be believed, millions of people around the world may be suffering from some form of hyperhidrosis. In most cases, excessive sweating is not a sign of any danger, rather it is a problem for which simple measures can be taken to control. On the other hand, behind the condition of secondary hyperhidrosis, there can be any condition ranging from pregnancy to diabetes, thyroid imbalance, menopause, anxiety, obesity, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lymphoma, gout, any infection, heart disease, respiratory disease or excessive consumption of alcohol...

Treatment to stop excessive sweating:
The physical problems that occur due to excessive sweating are in their place. But because of this, the victim may have to face many complications at the mental level as well. He avoids social interaction, may develop an inferiority complex towards himself and may be extra sensitive about his body. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor and immediately try to control the problem. Doctors can recommend these measures-

Some drugs that affect the nerves that send messages to the sweat-producing glands, or anti-sweat and anti-odor remedies that contain aluminum, can be used with the advice of a doctor.

The specialist prescribed low-intensity electrical current treatment.

Botox injections are specifically for armpit sweating.

Medications to manage stress and anxiety

Surgery is used as a last resort in some cases.

Keep these things in mind:
Do not use any chemical containing means, powder, lotion, deo, etc. from your mind.

Whatever medicine or means the doctor prescribes, use it only for a limited time, as long as the doctor has said. Do not increase or decrease the duration of these things with your mind.

Avoid using anything on yourself while being seen or heard by someone.

Adopt plenty of water and a liquid diet.

Give preference to cotton clothes that absorb sweat.