Uncontrolled blood sugar causes diabetes. However, if your sugar level remains high often, it can cause many serious health problems. People with diabetes may also be at risk of developing other health problems over time, high blood pressure being one of them.

Doctors say that people who suffer from high blood pressure along with diabetes are advised to be more alert about their health. World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on 14 November to make people aware about the increasing problem of diabetes globally and educate them about the prevention of the disease.

Doctors say that diabetic patients should keep paying attention to blood pressure. Let us know how harmful can be the problem of blood pressure in people with diabetes.

What do doctors say?
In conversation with Amar Ujala, diabetologist Dr Wasim Gauhari says, that if you have diabetes, you must already be aware of the importance of controlling your blood sugar level, but such people also need to control blood pressure. Attention should be paid to keeping. There is a strong link between diabetes and high blood pressure. Two out of three people with type 2 diabetes are at risk for high blood pressure, a combination that can be challenging for everything from the eyes to the kidneys to the heart.

Both of these can be controlled by paying attention to lifestyle and diet.

Problems caused by diabetes and high blood pressure
Dr Wasim says diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure worldwide, one-third of diabetic patients can develop kidney disease. In most cases, this problem is seen due to uncontrolled problems of blood pressure along with blood sugar.

Apart from kidney problems, the problem of increased blood pressure in diabetic patients can also cause fatal problems like heart disease and heart attack. People with both diabetes and high blood pressure have nearly double the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Keep your lifestyle and diet right
Complications of diabetes as well as high blood pressure can be reduced by maintaining a lifestyle such as eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. People with diabetes should check blood sugar levels daily. You can control both of these problems by exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a nutritious diet.

To control blood sugar, sugar intake, and salt intake for high blood pressure should be reduced.

What do doctors say?
Doctors say, if you have diabetes and high blood pressure, then it is most important that you keep regular self-monitoring. Keep visiting your doctor regularly to get your condition checked. People with diabetes should try to keep blood pressure less than 140/90mmHg. Benefits can be gained by maintaining a proper lifestyle.

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