Our brain helps to control the movements of the whole body. This is the reason why continuous measures are required to keep it healthy. To keep the brain healthy and to continue its functions smoothly, our lifestyle and diet must also be healthy. Unfortunately, due to disturbances in these two, the risk of diseases related to the brain is increasing rapidly at the global level.

World Brain Day is celebrated every year on 22 July to reduce the increasing risk of brain-related diseases worldwide and make people aware of the prevention of their diseases. Health experts believe that diet has a special role in brain health. What we eat directly affects this important part of the body.

Some things can be harmful to your brain, even increasing the risk of diseases like dementia. Let's know what should be eaten and distanced from whom to keep the brain healthy.

What to eat to keep the brain healthy?
By including some things in the diet, you can keep the brain healthy and strong.

Eat fatty fish
Fatty fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. About 60% of your brain is made up of fat, and half of that fat is made up of omega-3 fatty acids. In such a situation, consuming fish can help keep your mind healthy.

Curcumin is found in turmeric which can benefit brain cells. It acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, thereby reducing the risk of memory problems and diseases caused by damage to brain cells.

Broccoli is rich in powerful plant-based compounds, including antioxidants. Vitamin K is found in it, which helps keep brain cells healthy and reduce diseases. Some studies conducted on adults found that people who consume vitamin K have stronger memory and cognitive power.

Reduce the intake of these things
It is more important to know what you should not eat than what to eat to keep the brain healthy.

More sweet things harmful
Sweet things don't just raise blood sugar, they also damage your brain. If you eat such things, then your blood sugar can increase, which also increases the risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes. Eating too much sugar also leads to increased insulin resistance in the brain, which can have negative effects on learning, memory, and neuron development.

Items with trans fat
Trans fat is harmful to health in many ways in studies, their excessive consumption slows down brain productivity and neuronal activity. Brain cells are also damaged by excessive consumption of such things, due to which the risk of many diseases related to the brain increases.

Alcohol is very harmful
Even a small amount of alcohol is harmful to the body, it is harmful to the overall physical, especially mental health. Long-term alcohol use can disrupt neurotransmitter communication in your brain. Over time memory loss, the power to understand things may also decrease.

Smoking-the worst enemy
Smoking is one of the things that have been found to have the most harmful side effects on brain health. The researchers found that the cerebral cortex of smokers is thinner than that of non-smokers. The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that is important for thinking skills, including memory and learning. The damage done in this not only reduces your social skills but can also increase many serious diseases related to the brain.

(PC: Freepik)