Women should take special care of their health from the very beginning. Women have to face many health challenges. There are many problems including menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and many more which affect their body a lot. In such a situation, if you start consuming these 6 nutrients from today itself, then your life ahead can become easier. These nutrients can help promote a higher quality of life.


To live a healthy life, women should consume folate-rich foods. This nutrient helps in heart health, nerve function, skin, digestive problems, blood circulation including energy production. For this, include green vegetables like kale, broccoli, and spinach in your diet. Apart from this, pulses, chickpeas, kidney beans, beetroot and nuts are also rich sources of folic acid. Pregnant women or if you are planning pregnancy, then definitely include this nutrient in the diet.


As age increases, bones start becoming weak. The risk of osteoporosis increases and the risk of bone fractures increases. In such a situation, women should consume calcium-rich foods from the beginning. Food items like milk, curd, cheese, yoghurt, paneer etc. are rich in calcium.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is responsible for maintaining overall health. Due to a deficiency of Vitamin D, the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis also increases. Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium. Vitamin D deficiency is also responsible for mood swings. Women should spend some time in the sun to get Vitamin D. Apart from this, Vitamin D can also be maintained by consuming dairy products and fatty fish.


Be sure to consume iron-rich foods. It helps in compensating for blood deficiency. Actually, due to iron deficiency, women suffer from the problem of anaemia. Due to this, one feels tired, lacks energy and weakness. To consume iron-rich foods, you can consume red meat, fish, beetroot, and spinach. For this, it is necessary to consume foods containing Vitamin C because Vitamin C absorbs iron better.


Women of all ages should consume protein to maintain overall health. Protein is needed for tissue repair and maintaining body mass. This also balances hormones. For this, include fish, eggs, and dairy products in the diet.


Potassium is also one of the essential nutrients which is necessary for regulating BP as well as for healthy muscles and nerve functions. Adequate potassium intake helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. Bananas, oranges, spinach and beans contain abundant amounts of potassium.

Vitamin C and Fiber

Vitamin C should also be included in the diet. It is a powerful antioxidant which helps boost immunity. Along with this, it promotes collagen synthesis. At the same time, consuming fibre helps in maintaining weight. The digestive system remains fine.

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