Health tips: Whenever the winter season comes, it brings with it various problems. You must have seen more people trembling in this season. Have you ever wondered why people shiver in winter? There is a small science behind the release of shivering in the winter season, about which we will talk. If you shiver more in winter then you do not need to panic. This is a way by which the body tries to maintain its temperature.

Why do people tremble?
We all know that our body works at a fixed temperature which is around 98.6 Fahrenheit or 37 degree Celsius. When the temperature of the environment is above or below this, then our body tries to fix the temperature and this is where the science of shivering begins. When we feel hot, the small pores on our body open and sweat comes out. The body cools down due to sweating, but in winter it is the opposite. In winter the pores are closed so that the heat of the body does not go out and the temperature of the body remains in a normal range but when our body feels too cold then the nerve cells send messages to our brain and our brain orders the muscles to start vibrating. Gives that means the work of contraction and relaxation starts in the muscles. Due to this the metabolism of the body increases and heat starts to be generated. Try to understand in simple language, when we feel cold, our body starts trembling due to which the temperature of our body is maintained.

Keep this in mind during winter
If you feel more cold in winter, we should take more care of our immunity. For this, dry fruits should be included in your diet. We should consume such beverages which generate heat in the body. More attention should be given to fiber rich food. Apart from this, special use of warm clothes should be made.