Now severe cold has started in many parts of the country. Due to low temperature the risk of diseases has also increased. It causes the most trouble to those people whose immunity is weak and both children and elderly people fall in this category. If you also have elderly parents in your house, then now it is your turn to take good care of them in winter, so that no kind of disease can touch them. So let us know how elderly parents should be taken care of during the winter season.

How to take care of elderly parents during winter season

  • Vitamin D level decreases significantly in old age. Due to this, joint-related problems start arising in winter. In such a situation, try to make the parents sit in the sun for 15 to 20 minutes every day. Include Vitamin D in their diet also. Eggs, mushrooms etc. are good sources of Vitamin D.
  • If your parents suffer from arthritis, then you will have to take care that there is no direct exposure to air on their joints. For this, make sure they wear proper warm clothes. Keep the room temperature comfortable, so that they do not face any problems due to cold.

  • It is also important to remain physically active during the winter season. If your parents are very elderly then going for a walk in the cold early in the morning can be difficult and dangerous. In such a situation, you should keep making them do light exercises at home. Doing meditation and yoga is also beneficial.
  • In winter, you must feed fruits and vegetables containing Vitamin C. This will keep their immunity strong and there will be no risk of any kind of infectious diseases.
  • Take full care of hydration also. Joint pain may occur due to a lack of water. There may be a complaint of constipation. In such a situation, make sure that your parents are drinking enough water every day. This not only protects from diseases but also provides energy.
  • If he has any kind of problem in winter and he takes medicine, then you should keep giving him medicine from time to time.

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