The winter season is going on and during this, the immunity of the body decreases. Due to the falling immunity of the body, we become victims of various diseases. In the cold season, many types of diseases including constipation, stomachache, cold-cold, and fever take us in their grip. To maintain good health in winter, experts say that there should be some changes in your diet. If you replace regular flour with the flour mentioned here, then you get many benefits from it.

Replace homemade flour with these flour
Let us tell you that cereals like Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Gundli, Sawa, Kodo, and Kangni are included in coarse grains. These coarse grains are cultivated on a large scale in Jharkhand. Most of these millet, ragi, and jowar are used for food. Wheat flour is used in most of our homes. If you replace the homemade flour with ragi, bajra, or jowar flour then it proves to be even more beneficial. Urea and dangerous chemicals are not required to grow these grains. Even in their irrigation, 30% less water is used. Consumption of coarse grain flour reduces the risk of many diseases including diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, bad cholesterol, and breast cancer.

Earlier there was a lot of trend of coarse grains
About 3 to 5 decades ago, the trend of eating coarse grains was in full swing. People's physical development was faster due to the consumption of coarse grains and diseases also used to be less. Let us tell you that the year 2023 has been declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the Year of Millets. The government is realizing the need to make people aware of coarse grains. It is worth mentioning that in the year 2018 also the national coarse grain was celebrated but this year it is to be celebrated at the international level.