My hair started falling profusely after a point of time and also started losing its shine. I am sure many women struggle with this problem. The reason for this is that we are not able to take proper care of our hair. From eating and drinking to the products we use for scalp and hair health, are they okay? Are we washing our hair correctly? Are we getting our hair cut at the right time? Split ends from above make the hair look rough and dry.

Celebrity cosmetic dermatologist DrChitraAnand has shared much information related to hair care through her Instagram. She has told us through different posts how soon should we wash our heads, and when should we get our hair cut and similarly has shared videos on the problem of split ends. By combining these videos, we will tell you how you can keep your hair healthy so that the shine of your hair remains intact forever.

How many times should hair be washed in a week?

Do you wash your hair 2-3 times a week? Well, it depends on your scalp. Some of us have oily scalps. Some have normal and some have dry scalps. People with oily scalps are advised to wash their hair daily or every other day. They can also do this by using dry shampoo 2 days a week and washing their hair for 2 days.

Similarly, if you have a normal or dry scalp, then you should not wash your head daily or every other day. For dry scalp, it is considered correct to wash the head 1 or at most 2 times a week.

How often should hair be cut?

This question will be of many of us women. We neither do trimming nor get them cut on time due to fear of short hair. In this case, there are split ends, which make the hair look even rougher. If you have short hairs then go for trimming once in 4-6 weeks. If you have long hair, then once in 2-3 months you should get trimming done. Yes, keep in mind that they do not grow quickly by getting a haircut.

How to get rid of split ends?

Split ends occur when your hair shaft breaks due to damage to the oldest part. This happens for many reasons, but the most important thing is to avoid chafing. Chafing means rubbing the hair together. After bathing, you also rub your hair with a towel to dry it, so do not do this. This causes breakage in the hair. To remove water from the hair, wrap them in a towel and squeeze them lightly.

If you have a lot of split ends, get them trimmed. If you do not get trimming done for fear of getting short hair, then the split ends will increase.

Keep these tips in mind as well-

Use a gentle shampoo to clean the scalp. Also, make sure that the shampoo only removes dirt from the scalp. Applying shampoo to the length of the hair can make it more frizzy and dull.

  • Make sure to use conditioner. It is meant to condition your hair, so it is not applied to the scalp. Apply shine conditioner on the hair length, wait for 3 minutes and then wash the hair thoroughly.
  • Use hair styling tools. If you use too many styling tools, Lajmi's hair will end up dry and lifeless. Heat damages hair. Be mindful of the heat level when using styling tools. Style your hair keeping it to a minimum.
  • Protect hair while swimming. The amount of chlorine in the water can damage the hair. After this wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner.

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