'An apple in a day keeps a doctor away' this is a 19th-century phrase which would often be heard from the mouths of parents, doctors and many others. Fruits are one of the greatest sources of vitamins and minerals. It is believed that two servings of fresh fruits in a day can keep you healthy and fit.

It can aid in weight loss, help your organs do their jobs efficiently, and reduce your risk of chronic disease. But just like there is an ideal time to eat food for maximum benefits, fruits should be consumed at certain times to absorb maximum nutrients from the fruit.

Ayurveda says so, not us. Ayurvedic expert DrVaraLaxmi says, 'Yes, I believe that fruits are a healthier option than junk food, but not for the long run.'

But why so, she has also answered her Instagram post. Let us tell you in this article why eating fruits in the evening is not a good choice.

Why is it forbidden to eat fruits after 4 pm?

According to Ayurveda, we should not eat fruits after sunset. This is because even though fruits are light, they are also cooling. Many fruits have a sweet and sour taste. When you eat fruits after 4 pm, according to their cool and mild nature, they stimulate Vata and Kapha.

The digestive system and sleep are disturbed

According to Ayurveda, eating fruits in the evening can disturb sleep time and disrupt the digestion process. As we know, most fruits are simple carbs, which means they can be broken down. They are a great source of instant energy, plus fruits also raise blood sugar levels. Consuming it too close to bedtime may disturb your sleep due to increased blood sugar levels. Also, after sunset, our metabolism slows down and it becomes difficult to digest carbs. Hence, it is better to limit carb intake.

Do not take fruits with milk

Fruit should always be taken alone and not mixed with dairy or vegetables. Consuming fruits with dairy or vegetables can lead to a build-up of toxins in the body. This is due to improper digestion of fruits and less absorption of nutrients. The presence of toxins in the body can lead to disease and other health conditions

What is the right time to eat fruits?

The best time to eat fruit is in the morning on an empty stomach. When we wake up after fasting for about 10 hours at night, our stomach is empty. Eating healthy foods in the morning will help to absorb nutrients more efficiently and kick start the metabolism. It is best to consume simple carbs in the morning and before and after a workout. It is best to consume fats, proteins and low-complex carbs after sunset.

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