To live a healthy life, it is important to have an adequate amount of blood in the body and for the right amount of blood to remain in the body, your hemoglobin level needs to be correct. A decrease in hemoglobin level increases the risk of anemia. Sometimes this can prove fatal. Women face more hemoglobin deficiency than men. There are some women whose hemoglobin always remains low. Let us know from the experts what could be the reason behind this. Dietician Sheenam K Malhotra is giving information about this.

What is the reason for low hemoglobin in the body?

Experts say that people who have low hemoglobin take the help of green vegetables and iron supplements to maintain it. Even after doing everything, the hemoglobin level does not become normal. The reason behind this is the improper absorption of iron in the body. Iron absorption is important for maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels in the body. And iron is not absorbed when your body is deficient in Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is necessary for iron absorption

Vitamin C may help with iron absorption. In such a situation, those who have low hemoglobin should include vitamin C-rich foods like lemon, amla, guava and mosambi in their daily diet. Experts say that whenever you take iron supplements, start taking them with lemon water. This will help in better absorption of iron in the body and the formation of red blood cells can begin.

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