Having white hair at a young age has become a common problem. People adopt different tricks to hide it, but the use of chemical-rich colours in them causes huge losses. Not only does it damage grey hair, but it also affects the scalp and the eyes. To avoid this, you can adopt home remedies. With these, your hair will turn black in minutes and there will be no harm. To get rid of white hair, by making herbal colour dye at home, you can blacken the white hair of the beard and moustache along with the head. Let's know how to prepare chemical-free herbal dye and its use...

Black coffee will make hair naturally black
If you are troubled by white hair, then you can make herbal dye using black coffee. It will blacken the hair within a few hours. For this, first, boil 2 cups of water and put 4 spoons of black coffee powder in it. Mix them well and keep them cool down for some time. After it cools down, apply it to your hair. After about an hour, take out the coffee water and wash the hair.

Apply tea leaves mixed with henna and indigo
Mehndi is the most natural and effective way to turn white hair black. Mixing tea leaves, turmeric and indigo in this give fast benefits. For this, take green henna and indigo powder equally. Mix three spoons of turmeric in it. Now mix it in the water of tea leaves and apply it. After drying it well in the hair for 2 hours, wash it with normal water. By doing this, each of your hair will become shiny and shiny along with turning black. It will not have any side effects either. You can do this twice a month.

This is the home remedy to blacken white hair
To get rid of white hair, take 3 spoons of coconut oil, and two spoons of amla powder and mix them well. Now heat it. After this keep it cool down. When this mixture cools down, apply it to your hair till the roots are. You repeat this at least twice a week. Hair fall will end as soon as it turns black for you. Hair will become black and strong.