It can be very difficult to keep your weight under control while attending weddings and parties. Whenever the wedding season starts, there is a party in our family or friends; it can be a challenge to maintain a healthy diet in the meantime. Many times it happens that we are balancing our diet very well in our routine life, but in the meantime, eating unhealthy food at a wedding or party destroys all our hard work. On the other hand, those who control their food cravings are not able to eat anything at marriage or parties. In such a situation, the question arises what can you do by going to a wedding or a party, which is healthy and does not increase your weight?

If you are also trying to control your weight and in the meantime, you have received an invite to a wedding or a party, then this article is especially for you. Let's know from the experts which healthy options you can try at marriage or party, which will not increase your weight. This information has been taken from the Instagram account of Nutritionist Simran.

Vegetable Soup

Vegetable soup is a must in any party buffet. Vegetable soup is full of nutrition. Often at a wedding or party, the soup stall is the stall that is not crowded. The reason for this is that during parties, people pay more attention to eating tasty than healthy. But if you want to maintain a healthy diet, then definitely drink soup at parties.

Baked Starter

Any party meal is incomplete without a tasty starter. Fried starters make us gain weight. In such a situation, if you are going to a party, then eat baked starter instead of fried. This will not increase the weight and it will also be tasty.

Choose a salad like this

Salad is rich in fibre. Eating this also fills the stomach and we also avoid eating unhealthy food. Eat low sausage salad at a wedding or party. Avoid high-calorie salads.

Eat fruit chaat

This is probably the most ignored counter at the wedding party. Most people ignore it at parties to eat tasty food. But don't do this at all. If you want to maintain your healthy diet, then definitely eat fruit chaat. Many vitamins and minerals are found in fruits. This will fill your stomach and will not increase your weight.

Image Credit- Freepik


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