Due to lack of rest in the hectic life, the pressure of work can lead to stress. A state of stress or depression can lead to many serious problems. Sleeplessness is the first complaint due to stress. The body gets tired after a whole day's work. Whereas when he rests on the bed at night, he does not sleep. People want to sleep but do not get sleep due to different thoughts coming into their minds. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, confusion, eye pain, and mental and physical problems. Yogasana is effective to overcome the problem of insomnia due to stress.

By practicing yoga asanas, the mind remains calm and the body also gets rest. The problem of insomnia caused by stress can be reduced by the practice of yoga asanas. In the next slides, know about four yoga asanas, which are effective in eliminating the complaint of sleeplessness by reducing stress.

Opposite posture
To do this asana, lie down comfortably on the mat. Keeping the hands straight on the ground, raise the legs upwards. Make a 90-degree angle by lifting the legs upwards. Now keep the pillow below while lifting the buttocks upwards along with the legs. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

Sitting in the state of Vajrasana, touch the forehead on the ground. Keeping both hands on the ground, apply pressure on the chest from the thighs. Two to four minutes can remain in this state. With this asana, the mind and heart remain calm. Stress goes away and sleep is good.

Sit comfortably and spread your legs forward. Place the right foot under the left knee and the left foot under the right knee. Keeping the back straight, close your eyes. Leave the body loose in a calm state. In this state, while breathing for some time, stay in this posture for ten minutes. Come back to a normal state.

(PC: Freepik)