The biggest concern in the winter season is weight gain. Everyone likes to eat fried, spicy food and snuggle up in a quilt. This means physical activities also reduce in this season. In such a situation, weight gain is inevitable. Due to the increase in obesity, many types of health problems can occur. The risk of cholesterol, high BP, stroke, and heart attack increases. Gaining weight is easy but reducing it is difficult. If you also want to lose weight in the winter season (Weight Loss Tips), then Ayurveda has guaranteed to reduce it. So let us tell you below those 5 Ayurvedic tips through which you can reduce weight in 3 weeks….

If you follow the tips mentioned in Ayurveda, you can control weight without going to the gym and avoiding diet. Ayurveda expert Dr. Deeksha Bhavsar has shared this information on her Instagram.

Deeksha Bhavsar has given easy and effective tips for Weight Loss in Winter Tips. He has given Ayurvedic weight loss tips through a video on his Instagram and has claimed that weight can be reduced in just 3 weeks i.e. less than a month if followed regularly.

Drink ginger water daily
Ayurveda expert Deeksha Bhavsar told that instead of plain water, ginger water should be drunk throughout the day in the winter season. Boil ginger in water and drink it throughout the day. Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It affects the body's ability to burn fat and digest carbohydrates and use insulin.

Do yoga every day
To lose weight, do Kapalbhati Pranayama, and Surya Namaskar and walk every day. Do Kapalbhati Pranayama for 10-15 minutes. Do Surya Namaskar 12 times. Walk there for 40 to 50 minutes every day.

Follow the circadian intermittent fasting weight loss diet
Experts suggest that to reduce weight, do circadian intermittent fasting. It is similar to intermittent fasting. But in this, food is eaten in sync with the circadian rhythm. In this one has to have breakfast after sunrise and dinner before sunset. You can eat in this anytime from 9-10-11 am to 5-6-7 pm.

He told that the result will be even better if eating deep-fried, sugary, and packaged foods are avoided for 3 weeks. Along with this, herbal tea should be taken instead of tea and coffee.