Health Tips: Becoming a mother is a very soothing fruit for every woman. But during this time there are many changes in the body of women. When a woman is pregnant, her immunity becomes very weak at that time. Because of this the risk of getting sick very quickly and infection increases. In such a situation, it is harmful to them to take medicine. Today we are bringing some special home tips for pregnant women which can be very useful for them. Let's know in detail.

Gargle with salt water
If you have a cough and cold during pregnancy, then gargle with salt water. It is very comfortable. Gargling with salt water reduces allergies and sore throat and provides quick relief. You gargle two to three times a day. This will give relief soon.

If there is a cough and cold during pregnancy, then the consumption of honey is beneficial. It has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. This boosts immunity and also prevents the spread of infection. It has been found in many research that the consumption of honey is more effective than cough medicines.

Can also steam
There are many problems during pregnancy which bother a lot. But if there is a cough, then the problem increases even more. Because it puts pressure on the stomach, and sometimes the child also gets into trouble. The biggest problem is that you cannot take any other medicine.

Otherwise, the health of the child is badly affected. If you are having a cough, do not worry, but take hot water in a pan and steam it. If there is a machine, then you can take steam from that also. This will open your nose, and relieve headaches. Along with this, colds and coughs will also disappear. All you have to do is to take steam 2 to 3 times a day.