Everyone must have felt anxiety sometime in their life. Panic attacks tend to occur when you are faced with a challenge or under pressure to perform well or when you are worried about anything.

Panic triggers your body's stress response. Many people panic in situations that are stressful to them but not dangerous. Some people get nervous in the exam, interviews, presentations etc.

If you panic in situations like these, you're not alone. However, you need to learn how to cope with it. Well-known nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee says through an Instagram post that telling someone not to worry, and be happy is easy to say but difficult to do.

How many of us are there who have, at one time or another, experienced worry and anxiety? It hinders your day-to-day activities. She has also given ways to handle it in the post, so let us also learn how to tackle nervousness in this article.

Use of chamomile

Chamomile is a herb that calms the mind. It has a good effect on the body. It helps calm your tired nerves and takes away anxiety. You can take it in the form of tea.

Proper nutrition

Your habits and sleeping patterns can also go a long way in fighting anxiety. People suffering from anxiety need to maintain a special diet, which ensures that their body gets the nutrients it may be missing due to stress. People who have panic disorder eat everything but the wrong foods. Keep in mind that sugar, fried, refined and junk food creates stress in the system.

Good sleep

You must have heard that if there is any problem, first take a sleep. When you wake up from sleep, your mind is calm. This is true because when you sleep, the body gets a lot of time to make energy. If you do not sleep, then take warm milk at night. Fix your schedule and get enough sleep.

Eat these foods

Consume foods that are rich in antioxidants. Dry fruits, green vegetables, bananas, figs, fish, soybeans, whole grains, yoghurt, pulses, etc. would be good options for you. Antioxidants help fight stress.

Take multivitamins and multimineral supplements along with them. 500mg Vitamin-C should be taken daily and also drink vegetable juice.

Do yoga and meditation also to remove nervousness. Along with this, massage will also make a difference to you. This will help you balance your emotions.

Note: All of us need to pay attention to mental health. If you have panic attacks or anxiety, then contact the doctor for that.

Image Credit: Freepik


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