5 or 7 days of periods are difficult for almost all of us women. During this, we have to go through many problems like pain, mood swings, and weakness. Although some have less discomfort during periods, some women have to bear more pain.

In this case, painkillers are used to avoid pain and cramps. But consuming them for a long time is not good for health. That's why today we are telling you about 2 such things, which can remove the cramps that occur during periods.

This information is given by the founder of Yogasutra Online Functional Medicine Clinic and gut health expert ShivaniBajwa. Experts say, “Period symptoms can often be worsened by deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. That's why include them in your diet.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that helps extract energy from food, make new proteins, maintain healthy bones, and keep the muscles and nervous system healthy. Adults should get about 320-450mg of magnesium per day from food.

Magnesium helps to relieve cramps in periods as it relaxes the muscles. When period cramps occur, you feel pain due to the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. These muscles of the uterus get relief by taking magnesium.

Taking a magnesium supplement a week before the start of periods, for 2-5 months, has been shown to help reduce period cramps. You can also increase your intake of this mineral by eating magnesium-rich foods like pumpkin seeds, spinach, almonds, kale, soy products and brown rice.

Vitamin- B

There are 8 types of Vitamin B which includes vitamins from B1 to B12. Each vitamin is necessary to keep different parts of the body healthy. Vitamin B can help reduce pain. In particular, thiamine (vitamin B1) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) help reduce period cramps.

If you don't get enough B vitamins, the problem gets worse. Apart from this, vitamin B starts decreasing during bleeding, so you must increase its level through diet. Food sources of B vitamins include green leafy vegetables, sunflower seeds, nuts, mushrooms, tuna and eggs.

Mild discomfort during periods is completely normal and nothing to worry about. But if the condition becomes such that there is a problem in your daily activities, then go to your gynaecologist to understand the reasons and treat them.

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