The winter season has arrived and with it, the problem of air pollution is also continuously increasing. The air quality index i.e. AQI of the capital Delhi is seen around 400. In such a situation, it can be understood how poisonous the air of Delhi and its surrounding cities has become. At the same time, pollution is having a bad effect on the human body. The continuous increase in pollution is also a matter of concern for people going out of the house. Therefore, it becomes important that if you are going out of the house amidst this pollution, then you should take special care of some things. Otherwise, this pollution can harm your lungs and throat, etc. So let us know what things you should keep in mind while going out of the house...

Keep these things in mind while going out of the house:-
Mask is necessary

If you are going out of the house, then definitely wear a mask. A good quality mask can help you a lot in avoiding pollution. Wear it while going to market, office, school-college and also wear it to children.

Can also wear glasses
If you look, you will find that this pollution even irritates the eyes. Therefore, you can wear glasses to protect your eyes. Whether you are traveling in a car or on foot. You should wear glasses.

Avoid going out of the house unnecessarily
It becomes necessary for people who have to go to the office, school-college, etc. to go out of the house. But it can be better for those people who have no work if they do not go out of the house unnecessarily. For example, rarely send children to play in the park or street and if possible, ask them to stay at home.

Exercise necessary
There is pollution outside, so staying at home as much as possible can be good for your health. Even if you are not able to go to the park due to pollution. But you can do exercises at home to keep yourself healthy.

(PC: iStock)