You can accumulate a lot of money by saving small amounts from your earnings every month. Whereas if you invest your savings money in some good place. In such a situation, you can get good returns on your savings over time. It is worth noting that most people in the country invest in FDs or small savings schemes. These areas of investment are not subject to market risks. At the same time, there is no danger of sinking money in them. On the other hand, if you invest in mutual funds, then even though this sector is subject to market risks. However, the chances of getting good returns on investment are high from here. You can collect Rs 49.7 lakh by saving just Rs 1000 by making an SIP in a Mutual Fund scheme. Let us know in detail about this scheme –

For this, you have to make SIP by choosing a mutual fund scheme. After making SIP, invest 1 thousand rupees every month in it. You have to make this investment for a full 35 years.

During this, you have to expect that your investment will get an approximate return of 11 percent every year. In this case, you will be able to collect a total of Rs 49.7 lakh after 35 years.

It is worth noting that in the investment period of 35 years, you will have to invest a total of Rs 4.2 lakh. At the same time, there will be a total return gain of Rs 45.5 lakh on your investment. In this case, after 35 years, you will have an asset of Rs 49.7 lakh.

(PC: iStock)