The problem of joint pain, swelling and arthritis increases when uric acid is high in the body. Its increase and incidence depend on lifestyle and food. On the other hand, by consuming more purine-rich things including fried foods, uric acid reaches high levels and creates the risk of high blood pressure, thyroid and diabetes in the body.

Uric acid in the body should be in the amount of 3.5 to 7.2 mg per deciliter. When it is high, crystals of uric acid get deposited in the joints. It increases pain and swelling in the joints. It also causes arthritis problems. The main reason for this is the inability of the toxin to get out of the body. When the amount of purine in the body is too high, the kidney is unable to filter these toxins and remove them through the toilet. Because of this, it gets accumulated in the joints. Let us know which things increase uric acid at the night. It is better to avoid them.

Do not consume these things at night
Eating lentils at night

If there is a problem with uric acid, then remove pulses from the dinner. The reason for this is the high protein in pulses. It produces a lot of energy after reaching the body, in this case, patients with uric acid should avoid eating pulses.

Ignore sweet things at night
Patients with uric acid should not consume too many sweet things at night. Doing this can increase the problem. Uric acid can increase the problem of gout by reaching high levels. This is very harmful.

Don't eat meat at night
Patients with high uric acid should avoid eating meat like mutton, seafood, minced meat and organ meat for dinner. All these things contain a lot of purine, which can cause joint pain and inflammation.

Don't drink alcohol at night
Although it is harmful to consume alcohol at any time, it gives a lot of harm to patients with uric acid. The reason for this is the increase in uric levels by drinking alcohol. Instead, you can drink plenty of water. It removes purine present in excess in the body.