We often clean the body with a towel after taking a bath. It is also necessary to wash that towel at an interval of a few days, otherwise, there is a possibility of it becoming a home for germs and microbes. Incidentally, most of us are not aware that after how many days the household towels should be washed and how many times they can be used once washed. Today we are going to tell you about this in detail.

Bacteria hide in dirty towels
First of all, know that on wiping the body with a towel (Towel Washing Rule), some bacteria stick to its fibers. Because on wiping with a towel, the moisture of water comes into the fibers. That's why bacteria get a favorable environment to grow in it. In such a situation, if you keep using the towel again and again without washing it, then the bacteria entering its fibers can reach your body through your skin and nose and make you seriously ill.

In how many days should the household towel be washed?
Health experts say that generally after using 2-3 times you must wash the towels (Towel Washing Rule) with detergent. If only one person is using that towel, then it can be washed after 3 days. However, if all the people in the house use the same towel, then it becomes necessary to wash it daily.

Dry it in the sun after wiping it with a towel.
Those who wash the towel (Towel Washing Rule) once in 2-3 days, should keep in mind that after wiping the body with a towel, it is very important to dry it in the sun daily. By doing this, the moisture stored in it gets eliminated, due to which the germs do not get a chance to make it to their home. If you don't do this, ringworm, and itching can occur in the body and you can become a victim of serious skin diseases.