It often happens that whenever we go to buy clothes, we buy different types of dresses, suits, sarees, etc. Many times it happens that due to the design being enough, we take it without matching it on ourselves, due to which that cloth never comes to wear. This is because there are some patterns which do not suit our body. If your height is short, then you also have to keep in mind that whatever top design you try, you should not look small by wearing it. Otherwise, your look can be completely spoiled.

Stripe Pattern Top Style

If your height is short, then you should never style a top with a stripe pattern. You will look younger by styling the design made in it. In this, you should neither try a big pattern nor a small one. If you want, you can style the plain top instead. It will make you look perfect and will not make you look small.

Tips: Try not to style this type of dress as well.

Do not style a loose top

Often we style loose tops or T-shirts to stay comfortable. This look looks best especially in the summer season. But don't do this; you will feel that you will look good in this top. It is not so, it will make you look younger. After styling it, your height will look less. Therefore, choose the top according to your size only that will look good on you.

Don't Style Big Block Print Tops

You will find many top designs in the market. Some of these will be such that you will like them a lot. But after styling them, your height will appear very short. You have to distance yourself from this. For this, you have to remove the block print from your top design. The big designs made in this type of top look good but make the height look small. Instead, you can try small block print and make your look beautiful.

To make your look perfect for short-height girls, not only the outfit but many other things should be taken special care of. Only then will she look beautiful.

Credit- Myntra