In this run-of-the-mill life, it becomes a bit difficult for us to balance household work and office work. The biggest effect of stress is on our body and mind. Although we do a lot to relieve fatigue, bathing is the best option to relieve stress. Yes, often taking a bath after work removes tiredness and gives good sleep.

If bath salts are used in the water, the benefits are doubled. Not only this, bath salts can be used in many ways. So what are we waiting for, let's know the easy hacks to use bath salt-

What is Bath Salt?

Bath salts have long been used as an easy and inexpensive way to treat mental and physical health ailments. Bath salts, usually made from magnesium sulfate or sea salt, dissolve easily in warm bath water and are used for everything from stress relief to pain relief.

How to make bath salt?

You can mix rosemary leaves and healing salts at home. Let us know what is the method of making bath salt with lavender oil.

Ingredients required

  • 1 cup- rock salt
  • Half a cup - of sea salt
  • 1/4 cup - of dried lavender flowers
  • 1 tsp - dried rosemary leaves
  • 10 to 15 drops - of essential lavender oil

Method to prepare and apply

  • Put all these ingredients in a bowl and mix them well.
  • Now put this mixture in a glass bottle.
  • Mix it in the tub before taking a bath.
  • Keep in mind that mixes this mixture in the tub in proper quantity.

Use as a scrub

It acts like a scrub. It is very helpful in removing the dead skin present in the body. Sometimes itching also occurs due to the accumulation of excreta, so scrub the body with bath salt. While scrubbing, keep in mind that the salt should not be too thick because it can also harm the body.

Reduce skin allergies

Using bath salts can reduce the problem of skin allergies and itching. However, you can use it directly on the itchy area. But we are sharing with you how to use bath salt.

Method to prepare and apply-

  • For a one-size bathtub, use 1 cup of bath salt or table salt.
  • Add salt to warm bath water and soak your hands and feet in the tub for at least 20 minutes.
  • Using this regularly will benefit you.

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