Ashwagandha in Fever: Apart from cough and cold, one of the most disturbing diseases in the winter season is fever, during this time the risk of infection increases significantly, after which fever is common, and many people take allopathic medicines to cure fever. Prefer home remedies instead of medicine. That's why a lot of emphasis is laid on Ayurvedic medicines. You must have often seen that some people start consuming Ashwagandha when the fever comes, but is this the right way to get rid of the fever?

Ashwagandha is an Ayurvedic medicine

Ashwagandha is usually used in the form of powder or tablet, through this many diseases can be eradicated, when the coronavirus epidemic spread, many people started drinking Ashwagandha decoction. Through this, immunity is boosted so that the risk of infection can be reduced and no viral disease can attack our body.

Do not eat Ashwagandha for fever

There is no doubt that Ashwagandha is very beneficial for our body, but it should not be used always, otherwise, there can be harm instead of benefit. Avoid consuming it especially when you are suffering from a fever. It is not easy to digest Ashwagandha, and the digestive system is affected during fever. In such a situation, you may have stomach problems, which include problems like constipation, gas, and indigestion.

Risk of liver problems

Ashwagandha gives energy to your body, but excessive use of it can cause harm. Therefore, before consuming this herb, do consult an Ayurvedic doctor and do not try to become a doctor yourself, because its excessive use can also cause liver problems.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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