The most important item in the room is the bed. A mattress is placed on the bed, which is covered by a bedsheet. You will find very beautiful bedsheets in the market. White bedsheets are good to look at and the use of them also makes the room look beautiful.

White sheets get dirty easily. Especially if you have kids in your house, then the bedsheet would get dirty within a day. Children often urinate on the bed itself. Not only this, stains of tea, food and ink etc. also get applied on the bedsheet. In such a situation, apart from detergent, you can use some household items to remove the stain. Let us know how to clean the bedsheet.

How do remove urine stains from bedsheets?

If your child is small, then surely he would be urinating on the bed. In this case, the bedsheet turns yellow. You can use hydrogen peroxide to remove urine stains. It is a kind of chemical, which is used in cleaning. To remove stains, mix one part of hydrogen peroxide with a little water in a spray bottle. Now spray it on the stained area and rub it with a clean cloth.

Using this chemical will stain. To remove the smell of urine from the bedsheet, add some water to lemon juice. Now sprinkle it on the sheet. By doing this the smell will not come.

How to remove tea stain from a bedsheet

Most of us drink tea sitting on the bed. Unknowingly many times tea falls on the bedsheet. Tea stain does not come off quickly. In such a situation, one does not even feel like reusing the sheet.

To remove tea stains, pour dishwashing liquid over the stained area. Now sprinkle some baking soda on top. Use a strainer to pour the baking soda. Otherwise, lumps may form in the baking soda. Now rub this paste well with a brush for a few seconds. Wash the sheet in the washing machine after about half an hour.

How to remove ink and colour stains?

Is your child also fond of drawing? In such a situation, he shows his artwork from the wall to the bedsheet. And imagine if the sheet is white. You do not need to worry, because we have come up with a solution for you.

You can use shaving cream to remove ink and colour stains on white bedsheets. First, dab a wet cloth on the stained area. Now apply shaving cream on the stain. Rub it well and after half an hour wash the sheet with ½ cup baking soda.

How to remove food stains from bed sheets

In most homes, food is eaten while sitting on the bed. In such a situation, food inevitably falls on the bedsheet. Do you also mostly use white bedsheets? The stains on it do not look good at all. In such a situation, it is very important to remove the stain in time. Otherwise, it does not feel good to use the sheet again.

Use bleach to remove food stains from bedsheets. Bleach is one of the most effective home remedies for stain removal. Just put bleach on the stained area and after 5-10 minutes wash the sheet with clean water.

How to keep bed sheets clean

  • To keep the white bedsheet clean, do wash your feet. The bed sheet gets dirty easily due to dirty feet.
  • If you have small children in your house, then spread a mattress or bed on the bedsheet. This will not make the bedsheet dirty.
  • If there is a stain on the sheet, clean it immediately. If the stain is not cleaned for a long time, it becomes stubborn.
  • Do not use hot water to remove any stains. Stains are easily removed with cold water.
  • Try to buy a colourful printed bed sheet instead of a white bed sheet.

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