Reducing belly fat is not a challenge these days. This remains a big problem for everyone. People follow a strict diet to reduce belly fat. Do different types of exercises. But there is fat that does not show any signs of reduction. It is a slow process in which you can get results only by following the right eating habits and the right lifestyle. We are telling you about some food items that can help you achieve your goal of reducing belly fat. Let us know about it in detail.

How to reduce stubborn belly fat? Tummy fat-burning foods


You can consume curd to reduce stubborn belly fat. Yoghurt contains the beneficial bacteria strain Lactobacillus which helps reduce fat accumulation.

Green tea

You can replace milk tea with green tea. Green tea is rich in caffeine and flavonoids called catechins. Both these compounds help in breaking down excess fat in the body.

Green Leafy Vegetable

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are not only rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also low in calories and rich in fibre. The fibre content helps you stay full and feel full for longer. This prevents you from overeating.

Whole grains

You should include whole grains like wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, and millet in your diet. Include brown rice in place of white rice and wheat flour in place of refined flour. This whole grain is a powerhouse of fibre that keeps you feeling full for a longer period and reduces the risk of obesity.

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