Many times we want to do the engagement in the budget due to fewer budgets. Many people do not consider engagement as a big ceremony, that's why they want to do the engagement on a low budget. In such a situation, they do not understand how to do the engagement on a low budget. In today's article, we are going to tell you some tips, with the help of which you can do your engagement on a low budget.

Before starting the preparations for the engagement, you must decide on the budget. Accordingly, you should prepare for the engagement. Today we are going to tell you how to get engaged within 50 thousand. In such a situation, you should read this article completely.

Book a restaurant

If you want instead of the hotel, you can also book a restaurant. Booking a restaurant can save you a lot of money. The restaurant will be booked for around 5 to 6 thousand. In this case, you can save a lot of your money. If you book any hotel then you will have to spend a lot of money.

Call close people

Including the people from both sides, you invite only 20 to 30 people. By doing this also you can save money. You should invite fewer people to keep the engagement on budget. The fewer people you have, the less it will cost you.

Get engaged during the day

The engagement should be done during the day instead of at night. In this case, you will have to book the restaurant not for the whole day but only for 4 to 5 hours. This is a great way to save money. In such a situation, you can easily settle your engagement for 50 thousand.

It is not necessary to spend more for the sake of appearances. You can easily plan your engagement even on a low budget. This saves a lot of money which will be useful to you at the time of marriage. If you follow our mentioned tips, then you can easily get engaged on a low budget.

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