We all want to have a good body, but it is not within everyone's power to work hard for it. Generally it is seen that people are not able to lose weight because they have no control over their diet.

Many people think that if they diet, they will have to give up all their favourite items.

Whereas in reality, it is not so. The problem is not in eating the favourite food, but in eating it in the wrong way. Even while on a diet, you can enjoy your favourite food items and prevent weight gain.

Today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such easy tips, following which you can eat your favorite food item without any guilt.

Do portion control

This is the first and most important tip that you should follow. Often, weight increases after eating a favourite food item because we indulge in it suddenly.

Try to take whatever you eat in limited quantity. Use small plates to control your portions. This does not disturb your calorie intake and helps you maintain your weight.

Do mindful eating

Whenever you eat your favourite item, enjoy it completely. When you do this, you do not have frequent cravings and you are saved from eating unhealthy food again and again. Therefore, practice mindful eating. Sit back and taste every bite. Avoid using the TV or phone while eating. Due to this, you can do overeating.

Do smart cooking

You can eat your favourite items without any hassle, but your cooking should be smart. For example, if you want to eat pasta, choose whole-grain pasta.

Also, use a lot of vegetables while making it. With this, you get nutrition along with taste. If possible, eat some nutrition-rich items as a side dish along with your favorite dish, so that everything can be balanced.

Not every day

If you want to maintain your weight, then make sure that you do not eat unhealthy food every day. Even if you balance calories, you will not be able to get adequate nutrition, which will hurt your health.

Try to enjoy your favourite food item once in 15-20 days.

Do physical activity

To burn extra calories and maintain a healthy metabolism, do regular exercise. You don't need to go to the gym. You can do any physical activities in which you enjoy a lot. This keeps your body active and helps in maintaining weight.

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