To stay healthy, it is very important to have proper digestion. Often in our busy lives, we make many mistakes which affect our digestion which includes skipping breakfast and having a late lunch. The right time to have lunch is between 11-1 pm. But sometimes it gets too late for lunch. Especially for those who are working, it can be difficult to have lunch on time. Late lunch has a direct impact on digestion. If you have a late lunch, it can cause problems like gas, bloating, feeling lethargic and headache.

However, you should try to have lunch on time. But if for any reason you are late in having lunch, then you can follow these tips given by experts to keep the digestion correct. Dietician RujutaDiwekar is giving this information.

Drink water between 11-1 pm

According to experts, if you are not able to have lunch between 11-11, then definitely drink 1 glass of water at this time. Drinking water improves digestion and also boosts metabolism. If you have had breakfast early and are getting late for lunch, then definitely drink water between 11 and 11 a.m. Do not drink water in a hurry, rather sit comfortably and drink water sip by sip.

Eat pulpy fruit

If you are not having lunch on time, then you should eat some pulpy fruit like papaya, sapota or banana between 11-11. If you don't have any fruit, keep dates with you and have it between 11-1. With this, whenever you have lunch, there will be no problem with gas or bloating.

Eat ghee and jaggery after lunch

After doing both the above-mentioned things between 11-1 pm, then have lunch at 2-3 pm, after which eat ghee and jaggery. After lunch, eat 1 small piece of jaggery with some ghee. With this, you will not feel gas and bloating after lunch.

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