A famous social media platform, which is very popular for its privacy and safety features. If you do not understand, then let us tell you that we are talking about Telegram here. The platform keeps bringing many features keeping in mind the privacy of the users, but still many times information about the Telegram account being hacked keeps coming to the fore. Know further which signs indicate that Telegram has been hacked and how the account can be kept safe.

These are the signs you get when Telegram is hacked
If some messages have been sent from your Telegram account, which you have not sent, then the account may have been hacked.
If the account's profile photo, bio, username, and anything else has changed, but you have not made any changes, then the account may be hacked.
If you have joined any group or channel and you do not have any information about this, then your account may have been hacked. Apart from this, if any kind of payment or subscription has been taken from the account, then also the account can be hacked.
At the same time, if your device is linked with any other device and you have not done so, then the account may have been hacked.
If you have received any suspicious message, in which personal information is being sought from you, then your account may have been hacked.

Take these steps immediately if Telegram is hacked.
Open Telegram and go to Settings, then go to the device option.
After this, remove all illegally linked devices.
Also, turn on the two-factor verification feature. By doing this, the account gets additional security.
After this, create a new and strong password.
Then check the message activity and if anything seems wrong, report the hack immediately.
If the matter seems a little serious, then take the help of Telegram support.
For the safety of the Telegram account, scan the malware in the device, by doing this, if something goes wrong, all the information will be revealed. This is how you can keep your Telegram account safe.

Create a strong password to protect your Telegram account from any threat or hacking. The password should be such that many special characters are used in it.

To keep your Telegram account safe, keep two-factor verification on in Telegram.

For the safety of the account, it is important to check any link before clicking on it.

Get information about it before joining any channel.

Always keep the Telegram app updated with new features.

Avoid sharing any kind of personal or sensitive information on Telegram, otherwise the information may be misused.

By following all these tips, you can keep your Telegram account safe.

PC Social media