Pregnancy is the most beautiful journey in a woman's life. During this, women have to face many mental and physical changes. For the proper development of the child in the womb, doctors recommend eating the right food, during this time protein is needed the most, and when it comes to protein, most women prefer non-veg. Now the question is, is it safe to eat non-veg during pregnancy? Is it beneficial? Dietician Priyanka Jaiswal is answering all these questions.

Is it safe to eat non-veg during pregnancy?

According to experts, there is a lot of need for protein during pregnancy, so eating chicken in limited quantities during this time can be beneficial. Chicken is easy to digest, and you also get protein from it. Iron deficiency also goes away. It also contains nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin A and zinc, which are essential for both mother and child. Non-veg should be consumed very cautiously. Eating undercooked chicken can harm the baby. At the same time, experts do not recommend eating red meat like beef or mutton in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is unsafe for both mother and child.

Know the disadvantages of eating red meat during pregnancy

Experts say that red meat i.e. mutton contains a sufficient amount of protein as well as vitamins and antioxidants, which are beneficial for health. But if it is consumed excessively, then both mother and child can be harmed.

  • If mutton is consumed in excess during pregnancy, it can increase the blood sugar level in the body, due to which the risk of diabetes can increase manifold.
  • Mutton is not easy to digest. The body has to work very hard to digest it, while the digestive system of women works slowly during pregnancy. Due to this, there may be problems with stomach ache, and constipation.
  • Experts say that if mutton is not cleaned properly or it is not cooked properly then the risk of food poisoning can increase.
  • Due to the growth of bacteria called salmonella, poison can spread in the body of a pregnant woman, which can also cause miscarriage.

How to consume mutton during pregnancy?

Experts say that if a woman wants to consume mutton, then she should use only freshly chopped meat. Along with this, mutton should be well-cooked. Experts recommend eating boiled and grilled meat.

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