Finding a partner on an online dating site is going to be easier now. AI support will be available to develop your profile on Tinder, and Bumble. Till now users used to write profile pictures and bios according to their own, in which it is very difficult to find a possible partner. But AI will now prepare your bio keeping more potential people in mind for you.

How will it help in finding a partner?
To find a good partner on Tinder and Bumble, you have to write a good bio. If you do not know how to prepare an online profile, then it is very difficult for you to find a very difficult partner. The search for online partners depends a lot on profile picture and bio. In such a situation, on Tinder and Bumble, you will get a lot of help in creating a profile with the help of AI.

It is being claimed in the facility available on Tinder and Bumble that AI will help you write a bio using generative AI on both these platforms. Also, with its help, you will be able to write a bio in 5 minutes.

How AI will write a bio on Tinder and Bumble
For this service, you have to take the help of the Lovegenius dot io website. Where you will be asked some questions. Your gender and location will be asked. Along with this, some other questions can also be asked to you on this website. After this AI will present your bio 5 bio in a few minutes, out of which you can choose any one. After which you can copy the bio and paste it on Tinder and Bumble.

This service will not be available for free
You have to pay for the premium service of Lovegenius dot io. For this, you have to pay an amount of $2.99. And claims that this increases the chances of matches by 4.7 times.
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