The smartphone is one of our important needs. Apps are the USP of the phone because you use apps for your small needs. But it keeps your important information safe. Location access is also one of them. You can turn off this access.

Mobile phone apps help us meet our smallest needs. You can use it to order food, find out the weather, or use it for calling. These apps ask you for some permissions, which include camera access, microphone access, or location access.

Many apps ask for unnecessary access

When we install an app on our smartphone, it asks for some access from us. This access is required to run the app. Suppose you download a calling app, then it asks you for access to the microphone. But what if this app asks for access to your location? As we know that calling apps do not need access to the location. In such a situation, when apps ask for permissions that are not necessary, especially location access, then it can be worrying for you.

How to turn off location access?

We often do not remember which apps we have given your location access to or which apps have asked you for your location access permission. In such a situation, if you feel that someone is you who has kept unnecessary information and you want to remove it. You just have to follow these steps.

How to check apps with location access

  • First, on your Android phone, go to Settings.
  • Now scroll down and tap on the Location option.
  • Then hit the App location permission option.
  • Here you can see all the apps that have location access.
  • If you want, you can tap on any one app and disable the access.

How to turn off Precise Location Access?

  • First of all, go to the Settings app on your phone.
  • Now scroll down and tap on the Location option.
  • Then tap on App Location Permission.
  • Now from the list of apps tap on the one for which you want to make changes.