Tawa is an important part of our kitchen, without it we would hardly be able to cook rotis and parathas. It is very solid and strong, but due to continuous use, it becomes rough and black and then rusts in it. Due to the accumulation of carbon layer on it, there are difficulties in baking bread, and gas is also spent more. Cooking bread is a difficult task in itself, but if the griddle also does not support it, then this difficulty starts increasing.

Why do pans get dirty?
Usually, this also happens because we do not clean it properly from time to time and then it becomes the cause of rust and blackness. Most iron pans are used in our homes, which is possible to clean completely, you just have to follow some easy steps.

When we cook parathas or omelets on an iron griddle, oil and grease start accumulating in it, since it cooks on high flame, it becomes black and rusty with time, this also happens due to moisture. Usually, we try to clean the griddle with the help of detergent or soap, but often it is not completely clean and then every day a little bit of dirt starts accumulating.

The trick to cleaning tawa
Today we are going to tell you a trick through which you can remove the blackness and rust of the domestic pan. This will make it very shiny. For this, first, collect some things.

Hot water
1 lemon
1 teaspoon salt

How to clean?
First of all, if there is some food stuck on your griddle, then rub it and wash it and then separate it.
Now take salt and spread it well in the pan and then wash like this for 15 minutes.
After this, clean the griddle with the help of a dishwasher and hot water.
If you want, you can also clean the griddle by mixing salt and baking soda.