Nutrients are most important for maintaining a healthy body, skin and hair. These are available to the body by including good things in the diet. Many foods are rich in not one or two but dozens of nutrients. By consuming them, not only the body becomes active but also the face starts glowing. The antioxidants present in superfoods fight the free radicals in the body. It becomes the cause of diseases like ageing, decline in muscles, high blood pressure, asthma and arthritis.

In such a situation, the foods that come under the category of superfoods, from controlling the increasing weight to boosting metabolism. They keep the immune system and heart health right. Protects the body from infection. Let's know the benefits and nutrients from them...

Most vegetables are incomplete without tomatoes. The reason for this is to be full of nutrients along with taste. Vitamins in tomatoes promote health. Apart from eating it cooked with vegetables, raw food is also beneficial.

Calcium is found in plenty of curds. It boosts immunity. Along with this, it increases the absorption of trace minerals, magnesium, zinc and selenium from curd. Along with keeping the digestive system correct, it also keeps the body hydrated.

Many nutrients are found in small-looking berries. Antioxidants in these reduce stress. It reduces the risk of dangerous diseases ranging from cancer to heart. Its regular consumption is beneficial for health.

Rich in nutrients ranging from vitamin C to iron and calcium, iron is one of the best things for everything from the gut to hair and skin. Vitamin C works to synthesize collagen. It improves the health of the skin and hair. Dull skin also starts glowing.