A Sunrise Litchi Drink is a refreshing beverage that can help you beat the summer heat. Here's a simple recipe for you:


1 cup fresh litchi pulp (remove the seeds and skin)

1 cup orange juice

1/2 cup pineapple juice

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Sugar or honey (optional, to taste)

Ice cubes

Mint leaves for garnish (optional)


In a blender, combine the fresh litchi pulp, orange juice, pineapple juice, and lemon juice.

If desired, add sugar or honey to sweeten the drink. The amount can vary depending on the sweetness of the litchis and personal preference. Blend until all the ingredients are well combined.

Taste the mixture and adjust the sweetness or acidity by adding more sugar or lemon juice if needed.

Once the mixture is blended and sweetened to your liking, strain it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any fibrous pulp or seeds. This step is optional if you prefer a more textured drink.

Pour the strained litchi mixture into glasses filled with ice cubes.

Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint leaves, if desired, to add a touch of freshness.

Stir the drink gently to mix the flavors and cool it down further with the ice cubes.

Serve the Sunrise Litchi Drink immediately and enjoy its cooling and revitalizing effects.

This delightful litchi drink will provide a burst of fruity flavors and help you stay hydrated