It becomes very important to take care of your health in summer. Due to strong sunlight and heat, not only does the problem of dehydration in the body increase but incidents of dizziness and fainting have also been seen more in summer. Along with stroke, allergies, rashes, and cases of nose bleeding have also been seen in summer. Cases of nose bleeding have been seen more in children, but adults can also be at risk.

Health experts say that there can be many reasons for nose bleeding. However, if someone has excessive or frequent nose bleeding, then it becomes necessary to consult a specialist about this. Let us know why nose bleeds in summer and what measures can be taken to prevent it.

Causes of nose bleeding in summer?

There can be many reasons for nose bleeding. To manage it effectively, it becomes very important to understand the underlying causes and take measures to prevent it.

Health experts say that due to dry air in summer, some people may have a problem with nose bleeding. Dryness in the air can increase irritation in the inner lining of your nose, increasing the problem of dryness and cracks. In this situation, the risk of nose bleeding can also be high.

Risk of bleeding

Health experts said that the increased temperature during summer days can also be a reason for this. Due to high temperatures, the blood vessels of the nose expand, when any kind of pressure is applied to these vessels, the risk of rupture and bleeding increases. Seasonal allergies can also irritate the lining of the nose, which can increase the risk of swelling and bleeding.

How to avoid the risks of nose bleeding?

Health experts said that people who have already had this type of risk should keep taking some precautions. Keeping the body hydrated in summer is important to avoid many types of problems occurring in this season. By drinking plenty of water, it is easy to maintain adequate moisture in the body and nasal passage. Use a humidifier at home to maintain moisture in the air and prevent the nasal passage from drying. Avoid staying in the sun for a long time, especially do not go out of the house unnecessarily during the afternoon.

Even after these general measures, if you still have the problem of nose bleeding, then definitely consult a doctor in time.

(PC: Freepik)