As such, to stay healthy, we are advised to keep fats away from our diet. This is the reason that in today's time, fats are disappearing from our plates, which are not even wrong, but there are some fats which are considered good to include in your diet. These fats are rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients which are very beneficial for our bodies. Today we will tell you about three such fats, which must be made a part of your diet. Dietician RujutaDiwekar is giving us this information.
Apply tempering in raw Ghani oil
We should use refined oils sparingly, but according to experts, raw ghani oils are not harmful because these oils are prepared by heating at a very low temperature, so the fatty acids, vitamins and other nutrients present in them are destroyed. Quality persists whichever province you are in, it will be better to use oils in cooking.
For example, mustard oil is suitable for North and North East India, sesame or groundnut oil for Central and West India and coconut oil for South India because the recipes made there go better with these oils.
Coconut is very beneficial
Coconut cures our digestion by removing problems related to the stomach. Coconut is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. If you have a problem with urinary tract infection ie UTI in summer, then coconut is a panacea for you. You can include it in your diet by making coconut laddoos, barfi or chutney.
Include cashews in the diet as well
Cashew nuts contain good fats but at the same time, they are rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It contains serotonin. It is also called the feel-good hormone because it induces good sleep and improves mood. The magnesium present in it relaxes the nerves. If you are under stress, the amino acids and B vitamins found in cashews can relieve stress in a jiffy.
Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.