Summer Face Packs: Too much sun exposure in summer not only bothers you with tanning but also due to pollution and sweat, dirt accumulates in the pores, which along with pimples, also increases the problem of blackheads and whiteheads. Are. So to keep the face free from all these, you must have to make changes in skin care and include some things. So Today we will tell you about some such face packs, which will keep your skin healthy and happy.

Papaya and Honey

Papaya pieces, tsp honey

Mash papaya pieces and honey in a bowl.

When mashed well, apply it on the face and let it dry.

After the pack dries completely, wash it thoroughly with water and apply moisturizer.

Papaya is rich in natural enzymes, which have skin-bleaching and exfoliating properties. Honey, on the other hand, is a natural moisturizer and skin-soothing agent.

Lentils and Tomatoes

2 tbsp masoor dal, 2 tsp tomato juice, 1 tsp aloe vera gel

Soak the masoor dal in water for a few hours, until the dal becomes soft. Then grind it.

Now put all the ingredients in the bowl and mix.

Apply it to the suntanning area and keep it for 20 minutes. Or if you want, apply it on the whole face.

After drying, remove the face pack by scrubbing it lightly with normal water.

Masoor dal is an effective remedy in the treatment of sun tan. Tomato juice brings a glow to the skin while aloe vera provides moisture to the skin. So from removing tanning to removing dryness, you can use this pack.

Pineapple and Honey

5-6 pieces of pineapple, 1 tsp honey

Blend pineapple and honey in a blender.

Take out this mixture in a bowl and apply it on the skin and clean it after keeping it for 20 minutes.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which fights free radicals in the skin. It also gives you coolness from the hot rays of the sun to make the skin tone and glowing.