Stress is a common problem in modern lifestyle. We often get stressed due to office tension, relationship problems, financial problems, etc. Stress can hurt our physical and mental health. It can give rise to problems like insomnia, headache, stomach ache, depression, and anxiety.

Yoga is a great way to get relief from stress. Yoga helps to calm our body and mind. It is effective in reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Below you have been told two yogasanas, which can help in relieving stress.

Balasana is a simple yet effective yoga asana that helps in relieving stress. This asana calms and relaxes our bodies. To do Balasana, first, sit on your knees. Spread your legs a little and keep your toes outwards. Place your hands on your knees and keep your back straight. Take your breath in and push your hips backward. Bring your stomach towards your thighs. Release your breath and place your head on your chest. Wait for a few seconds in this position. Then, take your breath in and push your hips forward. Keep your back straight and raise your head. Repeat Balasana 5-10 times.

Sukhasana is a relaxing yoga asana that helps in relieving stress. This asana helps in calming and focusing our mind. To do Sukhasana, first sit in a comfortable position. Keep your feet in front and place your hands on your knees. Keep your back straight and breathe in and out slowly. Focus on your breathing. Make your breathing slow and deep. Do Sukhasana for 5-10 minutes.

(PC: Freepik)