It is not easy to take care of long hair, if it is not taken care of its nutrition and protection, then they become bad, dry, and lifeless. Women who have long hair are often accompanied by having trouble with split hair. Due to this, hair gets entangled among themselves. To get rid of this, women often cut hair or use chemical-based expensive products, but it can also cause damage instead of benefits. You should adopt natural methods. Many experts believe that with the help of rose water, split hair can be found. Some things have to be mixed with this.

Use rose water for split hair
Rose water and glycerin
Essential material
1 tablespoon rose water
1 tablespoon glycerin
1 teaspoon coconut oil

For this, mix rose water, glycerin, and coconut oil and then massage it with light hands on the hair. Try that this mixture has reached from scalp to hair length. Now fold the hair for more than half an hour. Now clean the hair with water. Take care that you do not have to use shampoo. You can give your hair a hot towel treatment because this is a very effective solution. The next day you wash your hair with a mild shampoo. If you adopt this method regularly, you will get rid of split hair.

Honey and rose water
Essential material
1 tablespoon rose water
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon olive oil

To get rid of split hair, mix rose water, honey, and olive oil in a bowl and mix it. Now apply this mixture with light hands in the hair. After this, give a hot water treatment to the hair for about 5 to 10 minutes. Leave this mixture in the hair for about half an hour. Then wash the hair with mild shampoo and dry it without applying a hair dryer and finally apply the serum. If you repeat this process twice in a month, then you will get the desired results.

(PC: Freepik)