image credit: newcastleultrasound

Due to unhealthy lifestyle and poor health, fertility problem is affected in both men and women. In such a situation, we should completely change some of our habits. In which things like smoking, obesity, junk food, and stress have been included. We have to get rid of them.

image credit: medicaldialogues

Smoking: It is said that 4000 dangerous chemicals are present in a cigarette. These chemicals spoil the health of the body. The habit of smoking causes infertility in both men and women. Consumption of this reduces the sperm count in men and reduces the quality of eggs in women.

image credit: economictimes

Junk Food: People all over the world are struggling with the problem of obesity. Actually, people have included junk food in their diet more than nutritious food. A body mass index greater than 25 kg in women impairs egg quality and weakens sperm quality in men.