If you keep getting messages related to software updates on your smartphone and you are troubled by these notifications, then you can solve this problem immediately. For this, you just have to do some work and then such messages can stop coming to your phone. Let us know how you can eliminate this problem.

1. Check the phone's apps

It often happens that phone apps take up too much space and due to this, it is necessary to update them. If there are such apps on your phone which you do not use daily and they are taking up a lot of space, then you should remove them.

Along with this, also check that all the apps are updated. If all the apps remain updated then the message for updating will not come again and again on the phone.

2. Due to this reason the message of please update comes again and again.

Even when the security of the phone is in danger, a message to update the software often comes in the phone. Therefore, you should not use any website or app which is not safe and secure. Most hacking attacks also happen on Android. Therefore, the company ensures the security of your phone by sending updates frequently. Some companies also change security updates every month for better security.

3. The update message comes due to the phone hanging

In phone updates, the company tries to make the apps smarter than before, so that their speed can be better than before. Often the phone hangs due to phone apps. Therefore you must keep your phone updated.

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