Heart disease and stroke are the most common diseases causing the most deaths every year around the world. Stroke is emerging as a serious threat, which is also seen in people under the age of 30.

Brain stroke is a serious medical condition, stroke can occur due to disruption of blood supply to the brain due to some reason or bleeding in the brain. In this, some parts of the brain do not get oxygen, due to which brain cells start dying. If not treated on time, it can have life-threatening side effects.

Study reports show that cases of stroke among young people have increased rapidly in the last decade. Smoking, drinking alcohol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol are considered to be the cause. Health experts say that it is important to keep the lifestyle and diet right to prevent stroke. Apart from this, it is important to get timely treatment in case of stroke.

Let us know how stroke can be identified and what measures should be taken to prevent it.

Stroke prevention and identification

Health experts say that you can reduce the risk of stroke by maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and staying away from smoking and alcohol. Stroke is not only fatal, but survivors can also be at risk of problems like paralysis.

It is very important to identify the symptoms of stroke early because timely treatment can prevent permanent damage to the brain. It becomes important to know about the major signs of stroke and identify it immediately.

Sudden severe headache
The first sign of stroke is considered to be a sudden severe headache. If someone is having a severe headache like never felt before, then be alert. Along with pain, people may often have nausea, vomiting, or fainting. This can be a sign of a stroke. In such a situation, check the blood pressure immediately and get emergency medical treatment for the patient. High blood pressure is considered to be the main cause of stroke.

Weakness in the face, arms, and legs

A stroke can cause weakness or numbness in the face, arms, or legs. If there is sudden weakness or numbness in one part of the body, or paralysis, then this also indicates a stroke. This can usually happen in the face, one arm, or one leg, especially on one side of the body. If the person tries to smile or speak and his face bends to one side, then this can also be a sign of a stroke.

The problem of losing balance

Dizziness or losing balance due to stroke is also common. If there are problems like sudden dizziness, loss of body balance, or difficulty in walking along with headache, then one should be careful immediately. Signs like falling while walking, sudden weakness in legs, or staggering walking should be paid serious attention.

If someone is having such unusual symptoms, take them to the doctor immediately. Timely correct diagnosis and treatment can save lives.