image credit: Hindustan times

When you meet or talk to someone, you feel uncomfortable if there is a foul smell from your mouth or from the mouth of the person in front. This could be because you are not drinking enough water or you are hungry. If you regularly struggle with this problem, then it is necessary to treat it.

image credit: celinafamilydentistry

No matter how long the bad breath has been there, guava leaves eliminate it immediately. All you have to do is wash and chew the soft leaves of guava. As soon as it is chewed, the juice of guava leaves ends the bad smell in the mouth. Then you can try this recipe at home too.

image credit: broomfielddentists

You should only chew 3 to 4 leaves at a time. If you do this work daily then you can get rid of this problem. Remember to drink as much water as possible. Also, consume green tea as much as possible. Green tea is good for many things. Drinking keeps the body fit.